Monday, June 30, 2008


What is the best show you have put together?
I really liked the Appalachian Spring show. It was one of my favorites but the best one I put together is always the current one.

What was your best year success wise as a head band director?
Well, I have always been a head director. I have never been an assistant but the year I think on was my first years at a new school and we only had 44 students total! We won our class for every show except one and won two grand champions too. Then we received a superior at concert festival with only 24 students. It proved to me that if you want it bad enough the size of your band doesn't matter.

What is your favorite NFL team? The Miami Dolphins

What style of marching do I think is the best? I like the Cadets style.

Who are band staff for DF next year?
We have several returning and a couple of additions. Check the website.

What are the biggest and smallest fish I have caught this summer?
The biggest was last Thursday. A 15 pound striper. The smallest was about 9 inches long and I use bait almost that big!

Any good spots on the lake? In the water! Really though, I would fish in about 80 feet of water close to a creek channel with the biggest blueback herring you can find.

What is my favorite thing to do in my spare time?
Fishing of course! I like to do things that are totally not band related in my spare time because I spend so much time with band. I like going to NASCAR races too.

Thank you for the questions. I told you I would answer them!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Happy Birthday to Ted!

Today is little Ted's birthday. He is 8 years old today. I remember going to just "look" at dachshund puppies and out came Ted to meet us. He was about 10 inches long and 1.5 inches tall. He was only 5 weeks old then. We picked him up 2 weeks later and he has been our boy every since. He is an amazing little guy.

Friday, June 27, 2008

And Now For Some Fun..."Question Weekend"

This weekend is question weekend. What is that you may ask? Ok, here is the story. One day at school, and it was a while ago, we had a short day because of something. It might have been a fire drill or some other thing that was going make it difficult to have a very worthwhile class but any way...I thought about something to do so I just simply asked "Do any of you have any questions?" So I got the sometimes familiar deer in the headlights look but then somebody asked a question. It had nothing what so ever to do with band and I answered it. Then others started asking questions and I answered them all. I then started having "Question Day" every once in while. Now all my former students know what "Question Day" is and I think some like it.

So here is the deal, you can ask me any questions you want and I will answer them in Monday's post. The questions do not have to relate to band or me for that matter but can. I will NOT answer questions about politics or religion. You don't have to even be a student, parent, or former student but all are invited to participate. You will also notice that I do accept anonymous comments, so you don't even have to tell who you are. The deadline to ask questions is Sunday at midnight. So go for it! What do you want to know?

Thursday, June 26, 2008


It rained at our house today. This was the first time in about 6 weeks since we have had a good rain. I also caught a 15 pound striper this morning so it was a good day. It was my best one since New Years Eve. I will be at the band room tomorrow from about 8:30 - 12 noon if anybody wants to stop by and say hi.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Checking Out Camp

I went to the USC band camp today for a bit just to see the students and say hi. I think it is important that they see me and I know I support them in their summer activities and beside that is it just fun to see them. I saw new and old students alike. It makes me feel good that they seemed happy to see me too. I have never thought it was my place to be a friend to the students. They have a lot of friends and they are way more fun to hang out with then I am. I have always tried to be accessible though. I don't know many band directors that get to see their students get excited when they see them in a setting outside of the usual places. It was great to see all doing so well. It is a nice band world I am in at this point. I know students from all over the state and they know who I am too. I also know many, many band directors and even band parents of students that I have never taught.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Our Anniversary

Yeap, Today is Cindy's and my anniversary. 8 years ago today we were married on an island off the the coast of Beaufort. It was great. I can still name everybody that came too. It was the best wedding ever. We then spent a week in New Orleans for our honeymoon. It was the best trip I have ever taken. I guess the best thing is that I still feel like it was yesterday that we met. In some ways I feel like we have been together forever though. It is pretty amazing to me to look at what we started with and then see where we are now. I give her full credit for teaching me to make my bands play with the passion I play with. I will never forget one day when she told me " You play with so much feeling, why don't your bands?" From that day on, they have. I quit teaching them "out of the book" and started teaching them "out of the heart". I just look at every line and teach them to play it like I would...with feeling. Cindy taught me that my students can do that better then anybody would imagine. I wish everybody could knew how happy we are together because it has made all the difference to me.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Getting Organized

I spent the day in the band room today getting things the way I want them. There are no major changes just a little bit of rearranging. Like most band rooms, ours has a little storage. This is a given but we will be doing a better job of organizing our instruments, chairs, and stands. A disorganized and dirty band room will lead to a disorganized and dirty band and that just won't do for us. I want people to walk into the band room and have a sense of the pride and attention to detail that the occupants must have. I think with a bit of instruction and attention we will soon have a very organized work area that will be a point of pride for all involved in the band.
I met a few students and parents today and that was good. I even gave a short lesson to two of them. Remember if you see my truck parked by outside the band room, feel free to drop in and say hi. I like the company.

George Carlin 1937-2008

We lost a good one last night and I am pretty sad about it. I really liked George Carlin and he was on my list of people to see. That won't happen now. I will miss him. He was kind of the like the Three Stooges to me. You either get it and love it or you don't. Rest in peace. I am sure wherever you are, people are laughing around you.

"Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things" - George Carlin

Sunday, June 22, 2008

My Fishing Buddy

Today Cindy went fishing with me. She even woke up at 5:30 a.m. and got going. Cindy doesn't fish very much so I was happy to take her. She caught three stripers but I caught the biggest one. It was nice to have her with me. I am usually known as the lone fisherman at the dock so everybody was excited to talk to her. You would be amazed at the activity on the dock at 6:00 in the morning. Just as you would be amazed by the activity on the dock early in the morning, you would be equally amazed at some of the things that go on at the boat ramp on the weekend so we left at about 11:00 a.m. We both work a lot so to get this kind of time with her on the boat is great. I wish she went more often but I will take what I can get.
The picture is of us in Key West. What a spoiled boy I am. Born in Key West, grew up in Charleston near the beach, and have the best wife and job in the world. It doesn't get much better.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Blogging 101

What is this whole "blogging" thing any way? Well I don't really know myself. I was turned onto it by a friend (that never comes to fish with me anymore) that is a city manager. He uses his blog for all kinds of things but mostly to get fast, informal information to his constituents. Here is the link to his blog: It got me thinking about how little people really know what I do as a band director is so I started one myself. I even find it interesting to go back and look through the archives at what and how things were accomplished or not accomplished but mostly the blog is just fun for me. Sometimes people take it too seriously and that includes myself. Blogging in the media has had a profound affect at how the media reports things. Several public figures like Barry Bonds and Tiger Woods have their own blogs. The media can't really get to them because they are providing their own information straight from the most reliable source...themselves. I have been told that my blog provides some insight to me and my thought processes. You can usually tell what kind of mood I am in by my entries. I think the blog also gives people a look at what else I do in my life and a look at my family. These kind of things are often difficult to find out but here it is for all to see. I have always been one to "wear my emotions on my shirt sleeve" but this takes it to a new level. Of course, there are problems with blogs too. Mine has gotten me into trouble and Scott's has gotten him in deep water too. Luckily we both know how to swim well. Most of the problems occur when people seem to think that comments are directed at them. I am about the most impassive person in the world. If I have a problem with you, you will know because I will bring it straight to you, not on a blog. So there are funny things, serious things, and just off the wall things in my blog but one thing is for sure...they are all my things!
I hope everybody has a great weekend! I hope you enjoy the picture above. It looks like I am being attacked by wild dingos. "A dingo ate my baby!"

P.S. I would be in trouble if I didn't give a link to Cindy's blog so here it is:

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pearl Jam and Politics

Pearl Jam was great. It was one of the best shows I have been to and I have been to some big ones. I was surprised at the level of interaction that Eddie Vedder had with the crowd. You just never know what you are going to get. I have been to shows where the band just plays and you never hear them speak. Not only was the show entertaining it was long. They played for about three hours and in this day that is almost unheard of. It was not a show for the casual fan though. I have listened to Pearl Jam since the early 90's and even I didn't know all the songs. To me Pearl Jam is alternative music, not Nirvana who usually gets the nod to this label. I never really cared too much for Nirvana. To depressing for me I guess. If I wanted to be depressed in college I would have just went to the bank and checked my balance! Not only did I and still do like Pearl Jam's lyrics better than Nirvana, their playing skills are far superior. Only Dave Grohl, now the front of the Foo Fighters, really impressed me. It is no wonder that I also like the Foo Fighters. One of the most impressive things about the show is the fact that Eddie and the rest of band don't seem to have lost a step through the years. Energy would be a good way to describe that show. From beginning to end they were full of energy.

Vedder did take time to share his political views and I knew he would. It was disappointing to hear some boos from the crowd but I was not one of them. I think it is great that he shares his views. Isn't that part of what America is about? It really doesn't matter if I agree or disagree with him, I felt he deserved my respect. I have often told my students you don't have to like me but you do have to respect me and what I do. I don't share my political views with my students as I do not feel that is my place in the career I have. I think it is great for somebody like Eddie Vedder to use his stardom to at least make people aware of his causes.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Nice Day on the Lake

I went fishing this morning and did pretty well. I caught my limit by 10:00 a.m. They were pretty big too with the biggest going about 11 pounds. Cindy has taken a few days off of work so we having a little vacation at home. Tonight we are going to see Pearl Jam. I have been looking forward to it for a long time.

As for band, we have winds and percussion music and the drill is the process of being written. I feel comfortable that we are right on schedule.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Dad

It's Father's Day so I thought I might do a little post about mine. When I was young I just knew my dad did something important. I really didn't know what it was though. I just knew when my dad went to work he may not come home for 6 months or more sometime. I would talk to him on a special phone and I would ask him where he was and he would stuff like the North Pole or "I can't tell you" and to make it even more odd, he was telling the truth. You see my dad was on a submarine for a great deal of his life. He worked for the Navy for over 40 years and is still certified to be on a nuclear submarine. He fought in one of the most important wars. He fought in the Cold War. The United States is really the only superpower left in the world and my Dad had something to do with that. If you have ever seen the movie "Hunt for Red October" that is what my Dad did...for real! It is strange though I think his greatest acts have been toward me. I remember the Navy recruiters would come to my house my senior year in high school by the droves. They thought I should be in the Navy too and most of the people I graduated with did just that, but I wanted something different. I remember telling my Dad that I wanted to be a band director. He just said "You better the best one I ever saw." I told him OK. He has taken care of me and my family as long I remember. Now he grows daylilies and comes to my band competitions. I will never forget one day in my younger days of band directing, he and my Mom came to see my band at the Walterboro competition. We won everything with a band much smaller than the others. He was walking down the steps of the stadium to leave and looked at me and just gave me a thumbs up. To me that meant the world. I don't know if I am the best band director but I will never stop trying to be just that. My Dad is to thank for all the work ethic I have and that is has made all the difference. Thanks Bill.

"Maybe the good things come to those who wait, but the best things come to those who seize the moment and make it their own."

The pictures are of Mom and Dad and his favorite submarine the USS HADDO.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Some Days Just...

Are great! Today has been one! Today may be the first "official" day off I have had since school got out. (By the way, Friday has always been my favorite day!) This is one of the first days I have not been at school. Surprised? Don't be. I sneak up there alot. I like it! I love my job but I do take days off. I have not done any band work today. (Except somebody needed music so I sent it to them but that is actually fun too. At least they want it!) I have been up since 4 a.m. and went fishing and pulled the boat for the first time in my new truck! Everybody performed well. The truck, the boat, the fisherman...I caught about 10 keepers and took home two. One was about 8 pounds and the other about 5. It is kind of odd that some days seem to be in line with everything you want to do and it just feels right. Today is one of those for me.
Cindy has the next five days off from work some we are taking a home. We are not going anywhere but will be doing lots of yard work and grilling out. We are also going to something I have been looking forward to for so long. We have amazing seats at the Pearl Jam concert on Monday night. I got them the first ten minutes they were on sale and we will be able to see Eddie up close and personal. I hope everybody has a great weekend!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Back On Line

Lightning blew out out our Internet and cable connections Tuesday night so we have been without them for almost two days now. This is a bad time to be without Internet as most of the work I do on the show this time of the year is done over the net. I thought for sure I would be behind, but alas the world went on with out me. It seems crazy to think that not all that long ago we had no cell phones, no email, or even cable TV. Although I love all these things, it just proves that we can still get by, if we have too, with out them.

Somebody asked about some fish pictures and althought don't have any current ones, I thought I would post some of my best from the past.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Our Flowers

I grow flowers. There I said it. I know men are not supposed to do such things but too bad. I really enjoy it. One of the first things I do in the morning is go out in the yard to see what we have for the day. My favorite flowers are daylilies. I don't really know how many we have as that changes about every few days in the summer. They only last one day which is a shame but in its own way makes them great too. My dad probably has over 1000 of them and I am not exaggerating so he is our main source for the really good one. Cindy is really good about planting them so it is something that we work on together. With so many other things that go on in the world, it is nice to just walk around the yard and enjoy them. The pictures are of a few of ours.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Meeting New People

So I went to the school today to put some of my stuff in my new office and I have to say I love the band room. It is incredible to me and the office is great. But any way the best thing about the visit was I finally got to meet the Dazzlers. They were practicing to get ready for dance camp later this week. I am so glad I went to the school today. They are very nice young ladies and I know they will be a major contribution to our program. It is kind of funny at this point at the new school because nobody knows who I am. I have always lived by the premise that if you act like you know what you are doing and where you are going most people will just say hi and step aside. Kind of like Teddy Roosevelt said "Speak softly and carry a big stick." I know my excitement about my new job should be wearing off but it isn't. I hope it never does and I have a feeling it won't anytime soon. I already starting to feel recharged. I am really one of the luckiest people I know with respect to my job. I don't go work. I just leave my home to do something I really love...Band. I am truly one person that has found my career of "Flow". Everybody should read the book "Flow" by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. It has had a profound affect on how I look at "work" and life.
Stay cool everybody. I heard we may get some rain later this week. My yard would love it.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

4th Place...Not too Bad?

I finished 4th in my fishing tournament today. That is not too bad for a band director I don't think. We weighed in 21 pounds and had a limit. We bettered many others with much more expensive equipment which makes me feel pretty good. It was pretty much fun right until about 11:00 a.m. then it became brutally hot. I am somewhat disappointed because we would have been in the money had we just 2 more pounds but that's the way it goes. As my wife said "If all you wanted to do was win, it would not be too much fun." She is right. Fishing is fun and I want to keep it that way. I did give the neighbor some nice fillets too so all in all it was a good day of fishing. Too bad I have to get the quarter panel on my truck straighted out now but that is another story.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Going Fishin'

I am going fishing tomorrow with a purpose...MONEY! I am fishing one of Lake Murray's biggest striper tournaments of the year tomorrow. We are meeting to launch a 4:45 a.m. We are allowed to weigh 5 fish and hope to have a good weight. It is really not about the money or I would have stopped fishing long ago. It is just fun to get out and compare catches with other fisherman. One problem will be the heat. It will be about 100 degrees tomorrow and we won't weigh in until after 2:00 p.m. It will be hot for sure but maybe I can just call it "band camp preparation". Then I can write if off on my taxes. Strange thing is that I will still get to talk about band as one of my teammates is a band director too. I hope everybody has a great weekend and hopefully I will have some fish pictures to post soon.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Marching Band Show Update

As I have new readers, I thought you may want to know the status of the show. The students have music or can pick it up in the band room. Also, we are in the process of making a "members only" section on the band website where students will be able to enter a username and a password and print their own music. This will be great for lost music as well. When I student needs more, they will simply go to the website and print it off. The band staff and I are now in the process of writing drill. This takes more work than it sounds. Not only do we have to come up with accurate numbers for each section, we have to determine things like where we want guard features, what spacing the battery will have, where we want holds (there will not be many), how many rifles or if we want rifles, and when all this stuff will take place musically. I have learned the hard way to make sure all of these things are correct or we can lose a lot of time and spend a lot of energy "fixing" them at band camp or even later. Although the total number of member will be down a bit for the band from late year, I feel strongly the quality will be up. We lost a lot of great seniors too. There are many ways to stage the band so that numbers will not be an issue. I would much rather have 115 students that are really into it rather have 150 students and have 115 that are really into it. The next step after the drill writing is the colorguard choreography. Then we should be ready to go as far as paper that is. The scary thing is that the show is just a bunch of paper without dedicated students, staff, and parents to put it all together. I don't think we are going have a problem with that though!
As for me, I went fishing today. I did catch a few and brought two home to eat. One was about 7 pounds and the other was about 5. It was nice on the water but hot pretty quickly.

Although I do a bunch of work over the summer, June has always been my month of fun. I don't keep regular office hours in June as my wife and I travel a good bit and I just hang out recharging for another year of band. I think I deserve it after working any where from 60 to 85 hours a week during the school year. It is nice to work on my schedule during this time. Sometimes I wake up at night and work on the show. Sometimes I just practice my horn a bit. Sometimes I make phone calls about the show from my boat. My thoughts are never too far from band but in June it just happens on my schedule. I hope everybody finds a way to stay cool today.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

What Have I Been Up To?

Lots! I have taken a new position at Dutch Fork High School and I am certainly excited to say the least. It is just too great of an opportunity to pass up. I certainly enjoyed my time at Swansea and wish them nothing but great things and have even offered to help them if they ever need it but things change. Certainly the easiest thing to have done would have been to just stay put and take the easy route. I was comfortable and things were going well but if you know me at all that is not my way. That the thing about growing and advancement. There are no true success or victory for those that "play it safe" so once again I have chosen to take the risk and the unknown over that which is known and safe.
At this time I have been putting together the show for next year. This may seem to be a rather easy task but it is not and it takes time. The music is finished (for now, I am sure we will make revisions throughout the season) so now it is time to get to work on the drill. There are plenty of players in this event too. The drill writer and I usually talk about once everyday during the writing process. The last thing we want is to be making a bunch of changes during camp so the best route is just to get it right the first time. The things we talk about are placement of the guard and percussion, musical phrases, and equipment changes. The band will not be quite as large as it was last year but things like this happen with director changes but I can assure you all that the quality of the final product will not be diminished. We will be competitive for sure.

A Few Guidelines

Well here I am as promised. The Blog will probably have some new visitors so before I get back to it, here are few simple guidelines. This thing will be a lot more fun for everybody involved if these are followed.

1. You are encouraged to make comments. This blog is open to all comments (as of now) and I hope to be able to continue that.

2. Please do not use proper names of any students. If you look back, you will not see this on the blog.

3. You may comment about me but don't be surprised if I comment back.

4. This blog is intended to be fun. I enjoy doing it or I would not. Please keep that in mind.

5. Mostly, keep in mind that this is the blog of feeble, unstable band director that has basically spend his entire life in band. This is not a diary. It is open to the public for examination. I make mistakes like everybody else. This blog is just that. My thoughts about what is going on in my life. These are nobody else's opinions and are not meant to sway anybody else's opinions or ideas.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I'm Back!

Well almost. There have been lots of changes to my director's life since my last post but be assured that I am back and ready to entertain!