Thursday, July 28, 2011

Best Rookies Ever?

Maybe! These guys really have it together. I am so happy with the way things have went this week. Our guard is has progressed so much and our percussion section may be smaller this year but Wow! They are going to surprise many.

We actually got further than I thought we could with regards to skills that were taught and learned. We even played and marched at the same time.

This season has a certain feel to I have had rare occasion to be a part of. Only with hard work, cooperation, and; perhaps most of all; trust can we truly realize our true potential.

I must has been fun! Let's keep it up!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

They Came Back!

That must mean they are ours. All the rookies came back today and they were better! I am not sure how, but they were. Most of the time it takes a bit to see results but today they were better. It almost seemed like, dare I say, they practiced. The fact is that most of what we do as a group, including marching, can be practiced individually. Today it seemed many had done just that. Even as the heat came to us, we continued to progress.

We have one more day of rookie camp and then the real fun begins. Full band camp starts this Monday.

I am proud of the rookies, leaders, percussion, and guard for their work so far this week. Things are certainly looking positive for the next few weeks.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Can't We All Get Long?

I guess so! Today we had our annual leadership get together with all the section leaders and this year all seniors we invited too. Things seemed to go well. There was more than once when somebody brought up a past problem and then said "But I don't think that is going to be a problem with this group." I believe they are correct too. This is the year that my band truly becomes mine. They all count me as their band director. We all have similar procedures and manners. I had fun and will continue to do so. I hope everybody keeps this in mind too. We may get hot. We may get tired. We may even feel defeated at some point but this thing to we have to remember...together good or bad, we will do it together. In the end, the trophies will remain, but what we build together will be the true reward.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Rest up...and Go Outside!

The heat is on and that can't be denied. Band camps starts this Monday for some and in a week's time, all will report. We will have to deal with the heat. My band is in a situation not of our choice too. We rehearse on asphalt. About 20 years ago, this became the norm for many bands. Space at many school is limited so why not use a parking lot that is gridded as a football field for band rehearsal. It seems like a good thing in many way. It is certainly cheaper and easier. No cutting grass or repainting lines every week. Also, the rain does cause mud. But the heat...this is the issue in the summer. Honestly in the morning, a grass field is hotter due to the night time moisture evaporating, but that asphalt gets us back at about 10:30 in the morning.

So how do we work in these conditions? First, we are careful to have plenty of water on hand. It is not uncommon for 100 students to go through 50 gallons of water during a rehearsal session. Also, if a heat advisory is posted by the National Weather Service, we stay inside. It is just common sense. A typical band camps day works like this: 8 - 12 noon we are outside setting drill, 12:00 - 12:45 is lunch, 12:45 - 3:00 p.m. we are inside working on music, and then the fun part 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. we are back outside. Why even go outside in the afternoon you may ask. Well we just need the time for one thing, but also we must get acclimated to the heat. The human body can become acclimated to heat but not all at once. It is a gradual thing and band camp is a great time to do this. Our after school rehearsals often take place in the hottest part of the day. For us to be competitive, we must learn to deal with the heat.

Here are some helpful hints for dealing with the heat:

1. Drink plenty of water BEFORE you go outside to work. Once you are thirsty, it is too late. You are probably already dehydrated.

2. Wear a hat.

3. Eat foods that are easy to digest like pasta and breads. Fruits are good too. Try to stay away from milk products. (Chili might be a bad idea too.)

4. No soda! I even think sugary sports drinks can hurt while working. Water is the best.

5. Go outside and get use to the heat before band camp. Just take a walk and sweat some.

6. Pay attention. If you are sweating, that is good. If you stop...well that is really bad. If you see spots, that is also bad.

7. Wear sunscreen and lots of it! Band camp is no place or time to work on your tan.

We will have lots of fun and will get a lot accomplished but we will be careful too.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Almost Time!

It is almost time for the official start to marching band. This is my 17th year as a head band director and that sounds pretty good if you are in the band or associated with it. You are in good hands. I would love to say that I have it all figured out at this point in my career but I don't and maybe that is the neat thing about being a band director. You just don't know what the day holds. I will say that I feel better prepared than ever. The drill is finished, the music written, and the staff in place. Things seem to be ready to go for band camp too and many band parents have worked hard to be ready also. We should have the best food ever at camp. This will be my forth year at Dutch Fork and the seniors this year were the freshmen my first year. Everybody involved with the program should know what I expect and how I want things done.

It is at this time I often think about some goals for the year. These are not necessarily goals for the band but for myself too. Here are a few:

1. Make a Superior rating at our state contest.

2. Try not to worry about what others think and stick to my procedures as I know they work.

3. Try to instill a sense of individual motivation within the band members, band parents, and staff as opposed to worrying about what others are doing.

4. I want to have the best playing band anybody can imagine.

5. Visually, I want to be whistle clean.

6. I want my top concert group to get a Superior in grade VI at concert festival and for my second group to continue to grow musically.

7. Have more fun! (Remember it is supposed to be fun.)

8. See more of Cindy. She points me in the right direction. I should use her advice more.

What does the future hold? We will just have to wait to find that out.