Yesterday was a regression for the band in many ways in my eyes. We have been working hard and well together (I thought so anyway) but much reverted back to old ways yesterday. For one thing we had many holes in the show. There were some things out of anybodys control and some students made poor choices that will affect their future in the band. Unfortunately the poor choices of individuals sometimes hurt others but then that is the way the real world is at times. When you have numerous holes (hole are missing members in the drill) is affects everything. With regards to visual execution, it makes having good intervals almost impossible and takes away from the flow and continuity of the forms. This affect visual effect. Musically is leaves spaces in the sound and that affects musical effect. So it is perhaps the things that can take away from the entire show more than just about anything. Mostly this shows a lack of commitment from a few that affects all. Our performance was greatly hampered by these things and perhaps we should have not went to the competition at all but I think that not showing up is worse than a poor performance in the long run.
Some of the older students chose to do things the old way and that is disrespectful to me and what I am trying to accomplish at Dutch Fork. I was even mocked by some of them. Nothing new for me though but still disappointing and hurtful. During my first year in any of my positions, there have been plenty of non believers. They go away quickly and are not a factor after my first year. This will be the case again. I really appreciate some of my former students coming to see the band yesterday even though I taught them in a different band. This means a lot to me.
The greatest challenge at Dutch Fork is the change of mindsets and the norms. This includes all parents, students, and supporters. The band has a very different look and sound now but this will be nothing compared to the future under my direction. Serious philosophy changes will occur. Some will leave because of them and many will stay but change will happen.
Yesterday is over and leaves many questions for the remainder of the season but I still feel that things are in place to develop an incredible band program at Dutch Fork but this process with be difficult for all involved as are all things worthwhile are. There is a great core group of students and parents that are "getting it". They will be where the true changes will start. Others will come though. Some of the older students and parents will join to help and be a part for many years to follow, while others certainly will not. This is the way things work.
The Dutch Fork band has enjoyed successes in the past with out me and certainly may enjoy them in the future with out me as well. Many of the band programs I have helped progress still enjoy great success because of the work we did together but I would really like to be at Dutch Fork for a long time but when you make a choice to attempt to become the elite, you of course run the risk of being pushed out. I am willing to take that risk because in the end, should it all come together, it will be worth it.
To leave things the same is to leave things to chance or at best to accept what is given to you. To change and adapt is to at give yourself a chance at greatness. I have seen the glimpses of greatness at Dutch Fork. Now is time to put all the pieces in place to change and find our own style and image. Then we won't have to worry about what competition we go too or who the judges are or who we are in competition with because then we will playing the game by our rules not theirs.
I have the faith and trust that enough people are together in this to make it work. Just give me a chance to prove it but either way at least I won't count myself "with the cold and timid souls".
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."