Monday, October 13, 2008

That is Enough!

Alright that is enough of the stuff below in the comment section. This blog is suppose to be fun and to give others some insight into what a band director goes through. After reading this, anybody considering being a band director has probably changed their mind. If you can't play nice, don't play at all. I don't know of any other band director stupid enough to do something like this blog so if you don't like it, don't look at it. As I have said before, you can post attacks on me but I will fight back. I am disappointed in this "Band Drama". You may not agree with me but guess what? I am not a band director to make the parents happy or to give them something to do. I am a band director for the kids and the vast majority of them get it and like what is going on. They are smart and understand the inner workings of the band far better than most anybody because they are the ones in it!
By the way band is co-curricular which means that what we do after hours is part of their grade with the stuff in class. We have one class, concert band, that does not require any after hours activities. That is the only one. Read the syllabus! You probably signed it.
About today, we had fun. The weather was great and we got some things done. That is what matters most. Not how many adults found stuff to complain about. If anybody would like to take over for a day or even a week. I have plenty of leave days left (89). Just let me know when you are ready to give it a try! I also know that the vast majority of the parents are happy too. I know because they tell me in private. It seems most of the complaints come from that anonymous person. I still can't figure how that anonymous person moves so much. They always seem to have a kid in my band.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

heyy mr. brady.
are you sure our show from blythewood is on youtube? i looked but i cant find it. and the visual in dark is super duper cool.

9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is posted on Facebook under Dutch Fork Band boosters. Check it out

10:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why can't the videos b on da website like they used to be where are da peektures too

10:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe these parents need to get involved and see what it takes to make the whole band successful from pit crew, chaperones, uniforms, etc... This is what we do for the kids and Mr. Brady to make the band and dazzlers successful. I like the fact knowing my child is doing something very positive instead of out doing who knows what. Think how this will prepare them down the road.

I believe everyone knew what was involved from students to parents when they signed up. If you were in football, basketball, baseball, you would be doing the same thing.

Thank you for everything you do Mr. Brady to make this band successful. I, as one parent, very much appreciate it.

10:36 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

Mr. Brady,
We have not really known each other a long time, but feel like you are DF answer to a very successful band program. You would not of even considered DF as a job if you didn't know we were good. Kids have to get out of the GOOD and say we can be the BEST! Having kids and parents "get it" will take a while. Some will jump on board right away and some will take a while. I wish the kids would realize and some of the non participating parents could realize that we band is not what we 'want something FROM them' it is what we 'want FOR them'. We want 'FOR' them a great year. A band experice that crosses alot of relationship boundaries in their life. We want FOR them a chance to share in their kids life an experiece that when they are 40yrs old they have something to look back on. So many aspects of band I have carried with me in life and for that I have something to share with my kids. So kids and parents I say we want to GIVE you something, but you have got to be a participate in the cause to the highest level and I promise band will GIVE back 'FOR' you.
Everything in life comes with a price. Not necessarily money but time and effort. And time well worth spent. I had one parent come and chaperon for the first time the Wando competition. As a teacher and a parent he was amazed as what had to happen to just show up at competition and get 100 kids dressed, feed, organized and produce a show. I think we gained that parents respect very quickly. I love my chaperons and if you want to know what is going on in band....get involved. There are still much to do and much to accomplish even through concert season. We LOVE our new band director and you have some great parents who will stand with you thick or thin. We just have to put our energies where they are needed and not getting upset with people blogging just to upset us. We have to much to do to worry about the few, but what we can accomplish together as a whole.

10:55 AM  

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