Thursday, October 16, 2008

Something is Happening

We are getting better and I mean a lot better. We have definitely found our grove again. Things are really cleaning up. Here is what is scary. If we score say an 85 at state, we might or might not make finals but more than likely not but if we can find just 5 more points and score a 90, we will probably be top 5 in the state. We have to dig in now and really go far it. We have this weekend off for a reason. We need the rest. We have the homecoming game tomorrow and then we have 2 whole days off. We will do the show post game for any alumni that wish to stay and watch. See you there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Brady I am excited about what you are doing With the Dutch Fork Band. I was even more excited to see my daughter come home today (exhausted), but happy & motivated about what she is learning under your leadership. It's good for her to hear from someone else what I preach at home... respect and give your all to what you choose to do with your life. I am grateful she has this opportunity while in high school. I know this experience will go with her throughout her life. I have certainly enjoyed watching her out there marching in the band. She has grown up so much since she began marching band. Can't believe she is the same child that started this in 8th grade. She was so shy and now I can't shut her up!:) She practices everyday at home and speaks very highly of you! Thank you for all you do. I know it is a difficult job at times, but in the end very rewarding. You will touch many lives here and I look forward to many more years having you as our band director! Oh, by the way I love the quote from Theodore Roosevelt. Life is a journey, not always a pleasant one, but one that is inspired by change & growth. Keep up the good work!

One of your chaperones!

2:29 AM  

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