Thursday, January 31, 2008
I know! This is what I have been told a bunch especially early in my career. Here is a secret, I have very little musical talent but what I do have I make the most of. Honestly, I probably should not be a musician. I should be a professional bass fisher or in the military. The problem is that I have always wanted to be in music. Perhaps something was built in though. You might want to seach for this word: SYNESTHESIA. Reguardless, I feel that most of the success in anything comes from determination not talent. Sure some talent might help you out but I can guarentee this...determination and hard work will always beat talent.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Jazz Band
Today was my first attempt at Jazz Band at Swansea. It was a success. I have not had one at Swansea before due to the time restrictions of everybody in the spring semester so we decided to do it during class time. That does leave some students with little to do though. You really can't have a 50 piece jazz band but even the students that were watching and listening seemed to enjoy themselves. I have to say that the group did really well after just a bit of time to adjust to the way the music looked and sounded. They really seemed to have a good time. Maybe the best part of it all was at the beginning of class when I was in my office and heard several of the students really excited to see the jazz band set up. Only good things can come out of that. I wonder when the last time their English or math teacher heard them come into class like that. I had fun too.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Making the Boss Happy
As you might imagine, I don't kiss a lot of butt, but I do know how to keep my superiors happy. Yesterday I sent my boss an email about the region band results. He was pretty happy with the results. It wasn't too long ago that you had to really search the region band list to find students from Swansea on it. 2006 = 8 students, 2007 = 12, and 2008 = 15. That looks like progress to me. Think about it 2006 concert festival = Excellent rating class IV. 2007 concert festival = Superior rating class V. 2008 ???. As for marching band, 2005 = 9th place class AA, 2006 = 2nd place class AA, and 2007 = 5th place class AAA. That looks like progress, so people can say what they will about me but just don't call me or my bands unsuccessful. I think we are doing pretty well. I have a lot of bosses. The students, the parents, and the administration but I really like feeling good about what my bands do for myself too.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
The Swansea Band Program is certainly gaining ground from an individual stand point. We have 15 students in region band and one student placed in all-state from the high school. We also have 9 students from the middle school in region band and one student in all-state band. This is a large step in the right direction. I am very proud of all of the students that not only accomplished their goals but those also that tried out. We also had 2 students audition for all-jazz band as well. You can search for the results at this link: All-State/Region Band Results. The Swansea Band Program is certainly on its way to being one of most well rounded and accomplished band programs in South Carolina. (Just don't tell anybody we rehearse on a dirt field and have an old auto shop for a band room!) Congratulations again! I am proud of you!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
A True Dilemma
Oh no a dilemma. What could it be? Well I shall tell you. Saturday Cindy was out of town and I was bored but then I went for a walk in the yard and it happened...I stepped in dog poop! Of course if you read this blog you know about Ted and Henry. They are rather small so their poopy is too but dog poop is dog poop. So I took my shoes in to wash them off. I used one of the brushes that Cindy keeps by the kitchen sink. My mom would be so proud! I cleaned the off pretty good and put the shoes back outside. Then I thought about the brush. I put it in the dishwasher to clean it. All was great. Out it came, clean as a whistle. I really hadn't thought about it until just now. I was cleaning some rice out of a bowl from last night's dinner. It had gotten pretty hard. I needed a brush. Oh no! All I could think about was "Which brush did I use to clean the dog poopy?" I know... it was clean but you know I was still careful. I really don't know if I chose correctly but it still is something to think about. I only wish this was the only thing on my mind but it is a nice diversion! So the moral to this story is this. If you clean dog poop off of you shoe with a brush, remember which one you used!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Second Semester
Today was the beginning of round two. Well the second semester anyway. Most of you know how high works in today's world and it sure is a lot different than when I was in high school. Students go to 4 classes for 90 minutes a day for a half a year and then change at the end of the semester. So today I lost some students and gained some too. To my surprise I heard something that has been some what rare in my band rooms. Clarity! Things were good. No they were very good. We have a long way to go but I think many of the students may finally know why I have been so demanding on them. We should be able to make beautiful music all semester. It is definitely a lot more fun in the end to do things right and not take short cuts.
Friday, January 18, 2008
I heard there may be a chance of snow tomorrow night. That would be fun. Also, I may go out tomorrow morning to buy some boots. Snow+boots=FUN! We shall see. I don't think it will snow that much or stick but it sure is fun to watch.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Winter Break?
Yes, I am on winter break. I have 4 days off and by winter I do mean winter. Yes, you may recall that I just had 2 weeks off for Christmas. That was hectic. We went to Chicago and visited family and stuff like that but this break is all me! I have taken a personal day tomorrow and we have off Monday so...4 DAY WEEKEND! I might and would like to go fishing some but with weather this cold it ain't worth it. The problem isn't me. I have cold weather gear but the boat...that is a different story. Water lines and fuel lines can freeze and that is expensive to get fixed. So I may do some couch fishing. You know what is don't you? It's when you sit on the couch and watch fishin' on TV! I did see some snow last night but a taste of snow like that just won't do. I need more...much more please! I love it! So maybe, just maybe before old man winter goes to bed, we may just get some real snow that sticks around for a little while. So any way, enjoy your winter break or if you have to work...I am sorry as I sleep in with a dachshund on each side!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The Power of a Great Band
OK. I will admit it. I was in a pretty crappy mood today at the start of Symphonic Band (oh wait or was is Winds? Doesn't matter. Band is Band is Band!). But anyway, there were somethings going on. I had found out some more students might not be with us in the spring semester. It hurts me. Always does...always will. Any way, I stuck to my plan and that was to work on a new composition. This thing isn't easy. They chewed it up and threw it back to me. I was surprised to see them really play a grade 5 composition with not only the correct math (notes and rhythms) but also the real music. I have to say that the highlight was my new horn player. He has played trumpet but switched to mellophone for marching band and has been working on horn for just a while. Well today he showed that he isn't just a band kid. He is a musician and a good one at that. The whole band clapped for him. Sometimes that is all it takes. Maybe he didn't make region band but he did something that so many people can not say they ever accomplished. He didn't give up. So I left band today in a totally different mood than I started. I wonder how many other students did too. Here is another question. How many students and teachers get to have this feeling and chance in their other classes? I bet not too many.
Monday, January 14, 2008
I am Proud of My Kids!
The kids did great this weekend. I am so proud of all them that tried out for region. We will end up with about 12-14 in region and have several that may make all-state. I am proud of the ones that did not make it too. They are also doing what it takes to be the best. With the middle school students included we should have quite a crowd at region band. Bring your swimming suits!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Region Auditions Tomorrow
Tomorrow are region band auditions for all students throughout the state. We have many students auditioning from both the middle school and the high school. I salute each of them for doing what it takes to have a top notch band program. Even if they don't all make it, they are doing all I ask. The more experienced I get (that means getting old) the more I think that perhaps the process is more important that the actual result. Most of you know I love to win. Man, I love to win but there is more than this in the end. The process of going through with the region band audition is a great result in its self. I am proud of all of the students that just dare to try. I must, once again, post one of my favorite quotes below. For those about to audition, thank you for what you do that benefits others. Remember to do something for yourself is great but to sacrifice and work for others, well that is something that may just be rewarded some place else.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Festival Music
I thought I would put up the website so, if you wanted, you could find recordings of the festival music (as of now). These pieces may still change but the ones in the folder are pretty good bets. The site is Just put the titles into the search and you can figure out the rest.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Everyone Matters
Everybody matters in my bands. I think sometimes students and parents get the impression that perhaps they are not all that important in the big picture of things. Maybe they don't sit first chair or maybe they are not a section leader. Maybe they are a parent that is not an officer in the booster club or they feel like they just can't offer anything, but the truth is that everybody matters and has a very important role in my bands. It crushes me to hear that a student has chosen not to participate in band any more. I know something about every one of my students and I feel like a part of our band loses out when even one person leaves us. I can honestly remember all of my students. They all had and have something unique and helpful to offer. I know too that there are other things out there for students to do but what I don't understand is why band can not be a continuing thing for all of them through out high school and beyond. I honestly hope that every student I have in band will remain for their entire high school experience but I also know that this will not happen.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Something That Has Been Bothering Me...
There is something that has been bothering me for quite a while. On "question day" a student asked me something that was very surprising to me. He asked if I was mad about the results at state competition. I was kind of stunned for a moment but then answered. I was certainly disappointed with the results. I mean we were cooking with gas going into lower state and that was certainly our best performance. I was really happy that we had another chance to do even better the next week but something was off that week. We completely broke down the Thursday before state and yes I thought about just giving up and taking what we had to state but then something happened that I will always remember. It rained all day on Friday. It rained really hard and I wondered if we would even get to practice and thought I might as well call off practice for that day but I could tell by the students eyes and actions that I couldn't give up. They kept me going. It quit raining at about 3:00 p.m. Not one student left school that day. I told only 3 students that if they wanted to rehearse in the mud I would do it. In about 10 minutes every student was on the field ready to go. I came out like a bat out of hell that day. Then my assistants came. I told them they did not need to be there that day but one said if you are here we are too. I worked the band like only I could. I stayed on the field all rehearsal except for one run though. I was possessed that day and I am sure many would agree but something happened for me that day too. One student was looking at me and smiling. I couldn't believe it. I looked at him and said "You didn't think I would give up did you?" His reply was something I will never forget. He smiled and said, while standing at attention..."NEVER." Thanks Lee! So was I mad about our results at state...NEVER. It was our best and I will never forget our first run at AAA state but I know we have more to offer in the future. That day at rehearsal showed me that the power of many can always overcome the power of one. I have always learned more from my failures than I ever have from my successes. We should have won in my opinion but did not. But what we did do was something that so many may never achieve, we held ourselves like winners and I am sure that we were once again the band that all looked at for that and perhaps even respected us for it as well. That day was one of my best days as a band director. Not one student acted out in disappointment. Not one student come up to me and said it was too hard. Not one student said I quit. We were still all together and that made all the difference in the world to me. We may not have won state that day but we did something that I will always remember.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
2008 Resolutions
Here they are:
1. To enjoy what and where I am in my life more rather then looking to the future and look back to the past.
2. Save more money for the future and make more investments.
3. I will try to be more positive with those around instead of dwelling on the negative.
4. Surround myself with the best people I can. They will never take away from me but will only make me a better person myself.
5. Try not to worry about things so much. Especially those things in which I have little or not control.
This is it for now.