Thursday, January 17, 2008

Winter Break?

Yes, I am on winter break. I have 4 days off and by winter I do mean winter. Yes, you may recall that I just had 2 weeks off for Christmas. That was hectic. We went to Chicago and visited family and stuff like that but this break is all me! I have taken a personal day tomorrow and we have off Monday so...4 DAY WEEKEND! I might and would like to go fishing some but with weather this cold it ain't worth it. The problem isn't me. I have cold weather gear but the boat...that is a different story. Water lines and fuel lines can freeze and that is expensive to get fixed. So I may do some couch fishing. You know what is don't you? It's when you sit on the couch and watch fishin' on TV! I did see some snow last night but a taste of snow like that just won't do. I need more...much more please! I love it! So maybe, just maybe before old man winter goes to bed, we may just get some real snow that sticks around for a little while. So any way, enjoy your winter break or if you have to work...I am sorry as I sleep in with a dachshund on each side!


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