Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Best is Yet to Come?

Really? I don't know for sure but I think it may be true. You see I have always been a late bloomer. I have never really excelled at anything until I have really mastered the basics. Perhaps Band has something left for me! I am amazed at the rate at which I learn things and obtain more knowledge about Band. I am now playing in a recently created wind ensemble. I must say I still have glimpses of brilliance in my playing! (But nothing like I use to play but man I hear the grass grow! And tell you what color it which it grows too!) To me one of the best parts of the experience is to listen to the conductor say things which I have thought to myself. It just kind of assures that I am not alone in my manners of band and that maybe I do know what I am doing. It is nice to think that over my past 40 years there may be a bunch more in store for my musical career. I would be lying if I said I have not been disappointed with much in my career choice over the past but I just think I may be getting it right...maybe not but at least I think I am getting better. Music is like that...we don't retire, we just die! And maybe then, we really don't stop!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Don't Tell But Band Class Can Be Fun

Both Tuesday and today, Mr. Younglove has come to work with the Symphonic Band woodwinds. We are so fortunate to have him be willing and able to come work with us. This means I get to have the brass to myself. Most of the students in this class have never had the chance to work with me on a smaller ensemble basis. We make two shallow arches and work on music. It is nice to be able to talk about just brass but most of all it is nice to be able to relax a bit. You may or may not know when you work with a larger group in a rehearsal setting it has to be strict. Most teachers complain about a class of 25 or more. I often teach over 100 at the same time. If you aren't strict and regimented, it can get crazy quickly! Well anyway back to sectionals. I get to sit down and relax a bit with the students. We have probably accomplished more in the last two sectionals then we could have with a full ensemble in 5 rehearsals. There is nothing better than a little bit of personal attention. It reminds me of my first 8th grade band class, I think there were 11 of us! They sat in an arch and we all played for each other. I don't think I ever taught better. I wonder if those kids remember that as much as I do.

P.S. If the brass haven't learned anything else over the last two rehearsals, I bet they will will check the sandbox well before they play in it!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Back at it!

Today was kind of a normal day at school. At least we went to school! The ice has had us out for over a week now but today we were in session. Some of the kids even seemed happy to see me. That was cool. Any way it was nice to work with the kids today. It was really nice to see Mr. Younglove too. He came out to work with the woodwinds in the Symphonic Band class. We are lucky to have him and I am lucky to consider him a friend. The bad thing about the snow and ice though is that I consider us behind at this point for festival preparation but I always work better under pressure so away we go. If the kids will just hold up to their end of the deal, we should be just fine.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Why Blog at All?

Sometimes I wonder myself and if you notice sometimes I take a bit of time off. So why do I blog? Well at first it was a joke with my assistant band director. I would say stuff like "I will have to blog about this" or "This will be in the blog." Then one day I started. You can look back and see if it you like. I am actually quite surprised to have kept it up. If you added up all the posts and put them in a book, it would be a pretty long book, granted a boring book full of typos and grammatical errors but a book.

Sometimes people get confused and think the blog is about band or even worse "The Band" meaning it is about that band I presently direct. It is not. As the title of the blog states, it is about a band director's life and me being the band director that writes it, it is about my life. My life consists of many, many facets. I have the Boyzz, fishing, friends, and yes even band. So why even do this thing? Well you see it is for me. I don't really know how many see it or have seen it although I do know it has had over 50,000 views which I find crazy because that just is crazy.

I keep it open for comments (most of the time) and I actually enjoy it and find it quite therapeutic at times. Sometimes it is informational while other times it is just what it is. So why blog at all? Well I like it and I actually like going back and reading it too. It kind of reminds me about things and people. I fear, but am also sure too, that one day the service will change and all of it may be lost or whipped out but still I think it is worthwhile...for me.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

It Ain't Luck!

I often hear people, especially younger people, say "Wow they sure are lucky!" or "Man, they just have good luck." Well the truth is that luck seems to follow and stick with certain people meaning they aren't exactly lucky are they? Perhaps they are prepared. Perhaps they just work a bit harder than most. Being told you are lucky in some aspect should be regarded as a compliment in my eyes. It means you made it look easy and if it was a worthwhile endeavor, it was not easy.
I often draw the analogy of fishing into luck. Most of you know I fish a lot. I mean a lot. I am on the water more than 50 days a year. Many people will see the fish I catch and equate that to luck. Sure some who don't fish often catch large or desirable fish but I do it consistently. How? I study before I go out. I use the best equipment I can get. I talk to other people about what they are using. When I go, I have a plan. I always have a first spot to fish and two others just in case that one doesn't work. Do I always catch great fish? No I do not but I always learn something that can be used to provide my "luck" at a later date. So luck, it isn't. Hard work and preparation is the key to being "lucky" in any endeavor.
"Every battle is won before it is fought" - Sun Tzu