Thursday, January 13, 2011

It Ain't Luck!

I often hear people, especially younger people, say "Wow they sure are lucky!" or "Man, they just have good luck." Well the truth is that luck seems to follow and stick with certain people meaning they aren't exactly lucky are they? Perhaps they are prepared. Perhaps they just work a bit harder than most. Being told you are lucky in some aspect should be regarded as a compliment in my eyes. It means you made it look easy and if it was a worthwhile endeavor, it was not easy.
I often draw the analogy of fishing into luck. Most of you know I fish a lot. I mean a lot. I am on the water more than 50 days a year. Many people will see the fish I catch and equate that to luck. Sure some who don't fish often catch large or desirable fish but I do it consistently. How? I study before I go out. I use the best equipment I can get. I talk to other people about what they are using. When I go, I have a plan. I always have a first spot to fish and two others just in case that one doesn't work. Do I always catch great fish? No I do not but I always learn something that can be used to provide my "luck" at a later date. So luck, it isn't. Hard work and preparation is the key to being "lucky" in any endeavor.
"Every battle is won before it is fought" - Sun Tzu


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