Monday, January 17, 2011

Why Blog at All?

Sometimes I wonder myself and if you notice sometimes I take a bit of time off. So why do I blog? Well at first it was a joke with my assistant band director. I would say stuff like "I will have to blog about this" or "This will be in the blog." Then one day I started. You can look back and see if it you like. I am actually quite surprised to have kept it up. If you added up all the posts and put them in a book, it would be a pretty long book, granted a boring book full of typos and grammatical errors but a book.

Sometimes people get confused and think the blog is about band or even worse "The Band" meaning it is about that band I presently direct. It is not. As the title of the blog states, it is about a band director's life and me being the band director that writes it, it is about my life. My life consists of many, many facets. I have the Boyzz, fishing, friends, and yes even band. So why even do this thing? Well you see it is for me. I don't really know how many see it or have seen it although I do know it has had over 50,000 views which I find crazy because that just is crazy.

I keep it open for comments (most of the time) and I actually enjoy it and find it quite therapeutic at times. Sometimes it is informational while other times it is just what it is. So why blog at all? Well I like it and I actually like going back and reading it too. It kind of reminds me about things and people. I fear, but am also sure too, that one day the service will change and all of it may be lost or whipped out but still I think it is worthwhile...for me.


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