The next few weeks will be pretty busy for us in the band world. In my younger days, I use to really get over extended during this time but now I have grown to expect it. Here are some of the things we have going on:
Tuesday, Dec. 2 - Middle school band concert
Thursday, Dec. 4 - trumpet rehearsal for Christmas Pageant
Tuesday, Dec. 9 - High School band concert
Wednesday, Dec. 10 - Full rehearsal for Christmas Pageant
Thursday, Dec. 11 - Christmas pageant
Friday, Dec. 12 - Christmas pageant
Saturday, Dec. 13 - fruit arrival and two shows of the Christmas pageant
Sun, Dec. 14 - Christmas pageant
Tuesday, Dec. 16 - exams
Wednesday, Dec. 17 - Concert at the high school for students
Thursday, Dec. 18 - exams
Friday, Dec. 19 - FREEDOM
It gets pretty hectic around this time of the year for everybody!