Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A Disappointing Day

I considered not posting today because of how disappointed I was with rehearsal today but then I thought this blog is mostly for me so I will post anyway. I never receive comments so I really don't think too many people read it any way. The mellophone's blog can wait. Today was a great day as far as weather but what a waste of time. It reminded me so much of last year that I almost stopped rehearsal twice. Students did not know their music to the closer, their was absolutely no sense of urgency, and the section leaders did nothing to inspire their sections. I am a tough band director but I feel I am a fair one so the choice I made today was not an easy one. Some fine students will be saddened by the fact that we will most likely (90% certain) not attend a competition on September 23. I feel it would not be fair to the half of the band that was prepared today to allow mediocrity to be rewarded by a "field trip" and allow the dedicated prepared students to experience the defeat that would await them with the results of rehearsals like today. I have principles that I must adhere to and to go to competition just to have a "field trip" is not within them. We will rehearse all day on September 23. It is blocked off on the calendar any way. Perhaps, together, we can achieve a little more than cleaning drill that day. Today hurts me because I thought days like this were behind us. I guess I have some realizations to accept myself. I know many people will think and say, "It was the day after a holiday." Well that just isn't an excuse I am willing to accept. Sorry to be negative but that is just the way I feel after today's rehearsal.


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