Section by Section
I am going to start a section by section look at the band this year. To be fair, I am going in score order. So I will start with flutes/piccolos.
We have seven of them. They are a really great mix of students. Six young ladies and one young man. We have 5 veterans returning and 2 new members. Their playing skills are outstanding. During band camp, I came to the conclusion that we had to switch from piccolos to flutes because of tuning issues. In most bands this would have caused a problem but not at Swansea. They trusted that I knew best and made the switch without a question. They still play their piccolos at the games. I have really been happy with their marching abilities. Two of them have previously made region band but all of them certainly have the potential. I feel lucky to have group like them in that they work together so well. They also play so well in tune, most of the time, that you can actually hear them on the field. So many bands have tons of flutes and you never hear because they are out of tune.
The flute section leader is a true leader in that she leads by example. It is funny that she was thrust into the position last year because the one chosen the year before failed to show up. It is strange how things work out sometimes.
Yeah for flutes our highest pitched member of the Tiger Marching Band!
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