Friday, September 01, 2006


Or as Homer Simpson would say "Sax-a moe phone!" We have 12 saxophones. 8 Altos and 4 tenors. 9 are veterans and 3 are new members. They can really play. They are one of our best playing groups. 4 are young ladies and 8 are young gentlemen. There are 3 region players in the group and one of them has made all-state. There are alot of strong personalities in this group and sometimes they clash but only for short periods of time. They all want what is best for the group and work very hard to get it. I love it when they get mad at me and then they really turn it on! I have never had a saxophone section this good in any of my previous positions. It is not by chance that Mr. Bussell is a world class saxophone player himself.
We have a three day weekend because of Labor Day. I have never rehearsed on Labor Day in all my years of directing and don't plan to anytime soon. Holidays are meant to be with family and I hope all of my students have a great weekend. Of course, they can always practice between picnics and other events!


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