Well have five responses to the previous post so I am going to reply as I said I would. I am going to add my comments to each suggestion.
Sell Chocolates like ROTC - the problem here is the collection of money. I actually teach most of the day and my planning time is quickly taken up by other administrative work. I don't touch money.
Sell ice cream or something in the commons - this will offer the same challenge as described above.
More cheesecake fundraisers - Yes, I like this one. We could do one in the fall and one in the spring.
Car wash - These tend to be more of a social event rather than a fundraiser. When you add up all the people and time involved and divide it by the actual profit, you may be surprised at how little funds are actually raised.
Get sponsors - This is most underutilized means of raising funds for the band and for band fees. I don't know why more are not doing this. It is so easy and there is nothing to deliver.
Have more than one fruit sale - Yes. We could add one in the spring.
Pine straw - I like this one too. I use it in my yard and many others do too. I think it would be a good one.
Magazines - Again, this one is a great one and I don't know why more don't do it. You don't even have to deliver anything.
Start a search engine - I don't much about this but it seems like a good one.
Sponsor based anything - I would for this if it was profitable and not a social event.
Charge for parking at football games - This is the athletic departments call. We can't just charge for parking to events that are not ours.
I appreciate the few of you that did contribute to this post. My comments are not meant to be negative they are just from my perspective of each.
One thing is for sure. I can't do these things for you. All students and parents need to participate in ALL fundraisers. Many seem to have the attitude that if their band fees are paid then they don't have to fund raise. This is not correct. The band fees were lowered by $125 to ease some of the financial burden to the band families. Fundraising is a required activity of being in band. I have seen bands and other organizations use a "fair share" program in which each student is expected to participate in the fundraisers or pay their "fair share". It works like this. I will use the fruit sale as an example. Let's say each student and family is expected to sell 5 boxes of fruit. If they chose not to sale fruit, they can simply donate $50 to the band booster club.
I don't have all the answers to our problems, but I think I have some suggestions but again, I CAN'T DO IT ALL. Everybody has to do their part.