Sunday, June 06, 2010

Snakes on a Garage

"I am tired of these @#$%^ snakes on this @$%^#$* garage!"

I will keep it PG for today. Any way we went to the movies last night and saw Ironman 2. It was pretty good although I would have liked to have seen more of the suit. The suit is everything in Ironman. I actually have Ironman #1 comic book. Bet you didn't know I did that about me too. Yes I collect comic books. I don't know how many I have but it is over about 3000 and I have some real jewels like Daredevil #1, Ironman #1, The Incredible Hulk #181, The Amazing Spiderman #129, Daredevil #158, and so on...Oh yeah almost the entire run of Valiant comics too. But back to snakes...

We came home at about 10:30 and a snake was crawling up our garage door or at least trying too. Cindy yelled snake and I got out to look at it. I thought it might be a gardener snake or something. Nope, it was a copperhead! I went to the shed to get a shovel or something and when I got back...the snake was gone. So today I spent all morning cleaning out the flower bed around the garage. It's not that I don't like snake because I really do but a poisonous snake has no business around my house and family. It I would him I would leave while he had a chance.


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