Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Whole Show!

The entire show is on the field...sort of. We still have a lot of work to do to clean it. Tomorrow night we will stop at our last hold and play to the end. Saturday we have an all day rehearsal that the kids chose to do in order to ,hopefully, be ready to go to competition on the 23rd. The community show and spaghetti dinner is Saturday too.

I was not really happy with our rehearsal today. The students seemed to be focused on other things. There was a lot of talking and just fooling around in general. Days like today are days that other bands will pass us by. I really hope the bass drums will do what they need to in order to be able to perform tomorrow night. Unfortunately for them, we do not have school tomorrow so they will probably be watching tomorrow night at halftime. It is only fair. If you get your number drawn out of the box and don't know your music...You don't get to perform Friday night. This weekend will show if this band is really serious about doing what it takes to be the best. We shall see. I hope they are ready to take the next step towards their goal.


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