Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Oh boy! What a section. We have 6 of them. 5 young men and one young lady. 2 are sophomores, 3 are freshmen, and one is in middle school. This group is like watching a car wreck. You know you shouldn't look at them too long but you just can't help it. Only three of them started on tuba. The other three switched over the summer. A very good band director once told me, "Everybody wants to be good, but there are only a few that are willing to do what it takes to be great!" These guys that switched are the few that chose to do something that will give us a chance to be great. Many bands are using electronics to enhance their bass voices. Not us! We don't need to. One thing you don't hear many band directors say is "That's too much tuba!" Sometimes we have that problem. They are without a doubt the best tuba section I have ever taught. Their marching is improving. On that note, many bands never have to worry about tubas running into each other because they just don't have enough of them. Visually our tuba section is a great asset to the band but it is their sound that helps shape our whole concept of sound. Dark is good! Remember if you can't play it right...You can always play it loud! Now I wonder why we would have one the best tuba sections around. (Their main instructor is a real butt!)
Below I am adding our attendance policy just in case a parent or two may be reading this blog. As for the students reading it...GO PRACTICE!
Swansea Tiger Band Attendance Policy

In order for the Swansea Band program to be successful and make adequate improvements, every student must make every attempt to be at rehearsal each day. If you are absent from school due to illness or family emergency, you are excused from rehearsal that day only. It is also asked that a phone call or email be placed to the band room as well to allow us to make plans for that day’s rehearsal.

Students will be excused from band activities only if the director is notified in advance. The band director makes every attempt to have the band calendar available in the spring of the preceding school year. Please make family trips around this schedule. No student will be excused from a performance unless it is a very special circumstance. Students who are excused from a performance will be required to do make up work in the form of a paper on a selected musical topic. Any student who is unexcused from a performance or rehearsal will have his or her grade drastically reduced and will jeopardize future band participation.

Contact Information:

Swansea High School Band Director – Jon Brady
Phone: 803-568-1100 x 1146

Sandhills Middle School Band Director – Chris Bussell
Phone: 803-926-1890 x 112


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