Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Chemisty of It All

It is a well know fact that I have worked in several different schools and school districts. I can tell you that they are all very different. I have seen very good band directors in certain situations that are not able to achieve very high goals. Or that may just be the perception, because you never know until you in their situation. All these situations have their own set of problems or difficulties too. In one school the trouble may be student motivation. In another, it may lack of facilities or equipment. In another, it may just simply be a lack of understanding. Many times things don't work out because of the chemistry of it all. People are people and we are all very different. I have several degrees in music and a very good understanding of how the educational system works. I also enjoy fishing, going to NASCAR races, and physical work. In some places, these things work well together in others they do not. One thing that has always eluded me though, is politics. I am not good at that and I hope to never be. I am direct and know what I want. This is an asset in some places and a hindrance in others. One thing is for sure though, I won't let the politics of it all get in the way of success. You can be mad, you can be hurt, or be willing and helpful. What ever the choice, be ready to work or get out of way. This the way things work in large, progressive organizations. It is just a fact. This is where the chemistry gets involved though. With strong minded people and personalities, some groups can not accept the way others work. This causes problems because people start forming judgements and taking things personally. What is the point of all this? Sometimes things just don't work out. It is not really any body's fault. It is just the way it goes. I have seen great band directors struggle with one group only to go somewhere else and have things work great. I think it is that way in many things. Not just band. A great football coach once said "I am sure this is not the only way to win, but unfortunately for you it is the only way I know how to win." His team won state that same year.


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