Friday, October 30, 2009

Trials and Obstacles

This has certainly been a year of obstacles and "trials". As I write this yet another one has been cast our way. We will not rehearse Tuesday. It is a teacher in service day and no instruction or practice is allowed to take place on these days. I suppose it is my fault. The problem is that we are a young band (really young) and our young students that are not able to drive just simply will not be able to come to practice at our regular time of 4 ish to 6:45 p.m. No problem. We will just practice in the morning 8 - 12 noon and then parents can drove off their child on the way to work and then pick them up at lunch. Not going to happen. But then again, we have had so many trials and obstacles, why should we give up now. We have had sickness, we have had injuries, we have had weather problems, we have had...a lot! And what have we done, succeeded. You see there are only two opinions. You either succeed or quit. I have to tell you I thought about giving up today but my students and my biggest supporter ever, Cindy, wouldn't let me. So fight I did. The out come was the same. We can not practice in the day Tuesday. We are going to make it up though. In truth, we may have already. You see I never mentioned it but the student leaders have been starting practice at 4:10 or earlier every day. It may not sound like much but add it up over 14 weeks and it makes up a full rehearsal. Also, one day when it was rainy and nasty, we went outside and did some work. Yet another rehearsal made up, and even when the stadium was closed for repair, we rehearsed on the football practice field. What have we done? Perhaps the impossible. We are no longer just a band. We are a family and we win...a lot! So what is a few more obstacles? Not much. We adapt and figure it out and then we win! Remember not all victories require trophies. Some just require family and friends. If Job could get through what he did, I know we can too! Check out the Book of Job if you need to remember to keep the faith.


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