I sure surf the net a lot. I like the information and the somewhat instant news source that it has become. When I first started using the Internet, it was something of a luxury and a toy of sorts. Not many people had access at home and you would not even think of paying bills and doing on line banking, make reservations, or blogging...Heck, we did not even have that word in our language at the point in time. All this said, I have noticed a rather disturbing trend of some users of the net. They tend to think that everything and comment should be positive and labeled as to who put what up on any board. I do not feel this way. If you notice, you are able to put anonymous comments on my blog. I try not to delete comments unless they are just obviously destructive in nature or mention students by name. Neither one of these will be tolerated. Some people just feel the need to be destructive and that won't work here but just about anything else goes. I have even used some of the comments made on this blog to help me with certain aspects of my teaching. So don't be afraid to post or if you just like to read that is OK too. There are ways to block users from accessing this and any other site from the webmasters end. I have never done this and if you have ever made a comment that has been removed, you may have noticed you are still free to view and post comments to this site. That is the way it should be. My suggestion would be to only post things that you would say to somebody in person. This does not mean that all posts have to be credited because sometimes it is ok to just post without being identified. With that being said, be aware that there are numerous programs that can make identifying anonymous posts rather easy so just remember if you do decide to flame somebody in a destructive way, there are many options to find out who is that poster. Luckily this has been the exception on this site and not the normal.
Stay dry today it looks like a wash out but we still need the rain. Any rain we get this time of year is just going to help us through what is sure to be a hot summer.