Tuesday, September 04, 2007

A Late Post

I thought that today deserved a post even though it is a little late for me on a school night. Today I came home covered in dust and dried sweat. I know I was not the only one though. I know the students did too. It seemed worth it in the end because I felt like we had done something important. We got better today. We seemed to work together as opposed to pushing in different directions. It was like we had overcome some sort of force that had been working against us. I look forward to more days like today. I really don't know many things anymore it seems. There are always bands that have more students and more money it seems. Now we have moved up to 3A and that brings a whole new set of circumstances and issues but I do know this, nobody will out work me. I can't stand the thought of being on the field at any awards ceremony and not knowing I didn't try everything I could to be the best. Somebody asked me how we would do in 3A . I really didn't have a response because I am not really sure who else is in 3A. I know some of the bands but I know there is only one that I can help or hurt so I believe I should all my energy into helping the Swansea band. I do know that if all of us can focus on the end goal, it won't matter who else is in 3A or any other class for that matter because there will be one band there to me.


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