Thursday, August 09, 2007

The End is Near!

Band camp 2007 is approaching its end. Tomorrow we need to set about 3 pages of drill to accomplish the goal I had set for band camp. The heat was almost unbearable today but we made it though. We will not have our entire show on the field by the end of band camp and that is OK with me. I use to think that you had to have it all on by the end of camp or you were behind. As I have matured as a band director, I have realized that most of the top bands never have there entire show on the field by the end of camp. Some of them don't even have them out there until the beginning of October. How can this be? Well the truth is you don't have to worry about difficultly...unless want to win! Early in the competitive season, easy beats hard most the time. Then about the beginning of October something happens. The easy shows start losing ground and you start to see all kinds of strange attempts to gain ground occur. New props, interesting body moves, and adding more guard equipment. What do the bands with the really great shows do? They just get better! So what is the point in having 90+ pages of drill and really hard music and guard work. Nothing at all ...unless you want to be famous! This could be the year we become famous. At least in the band world.


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