Thursday, October 19, 2006

Lonely Days

Lately, I have had some pretty lonely days as a band director. I really don't have much contact with the rest of the school , but it seems this week the students, too, have not wanted much to do with me. It gets lonely in my office. I have always had an open door policy (of course you have to knock). Now...I know I push them further than they really want or expect but I really want to see them succeed. Perhaps I want them to succeed too much. Lately it seems many of them are taking my criticism and demands of perfect as personal insults. This is not the case. As a band director, my job is usually to find mistakes as if a judge would. It seems that in today's society to point out flaws and to be critical is deemed as being mean or rude or even worst saying "You don't respect me!"

I really like my kids at Swansea, but I must admit I think I like them more than they like me. That's is ok I guess. It is just new to me. I really think that for a band to be successful the students, the parents, and the directors all have to work together. There can be no us against them type of things. Unfortunately, many people have the perception that all teachers are out to get the students. I can not have success in my career if my students are not successful. How would you like to turn over the future of your job to a bunch of teenage kids? I do point out errors and I often point out the individuals that make them. I guess that is not politically correct but then I have never been accused being that anyway.
I am tough but I try to be fair. I am may not always be equal either. I except more from the students that I feel should be able to produce a higher level product.
Well anyway, I guess I am done with my pity party and I will move on. I just wish that my students would understand that it is not personal when I point them out or put them on the spot. I just want them to be the best they can be. In general, people will not push themselves to high levels of performance. They usually need something to push them or some sort of incentive. I think I offer both.
Lower state is upon. All will be told in about 48 hours. Something really nice happened today. My principal came to practice to wish the students good luck. This is the first time in all my years of band directing that this has happened. I know it meant a lot to the kids, but it meant a lot me to know that the band was important enough for him to come out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are not too hard on ANYONE... you just try to get us to do our best b/c we say we wanna go all the way and you have to point out individuals for them to fix it so we can do well! I think you are a GREAT band director and I'm glad you're @ Swansea too! You might like us more than we like you but we do like you!! Well I know I do and I know other people that do too! You're a great motivator and a great director I hope you stay with us for a lonnnng time! I hope that today's practice was good enough to get to state! :D

8:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with anonymous lol. i think u are an awesome director. and ur not to hard on us. swansea has never had a director to demand so much but i think it is a good thing that now we have some one that cares about our success rather than just want the reputation. well i hope u stay b/c i think alot of good things can happen we just need to get everyone to care.

9:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like you alot more if you would stop catching bigger and better fish than me....... Of course I havent been catching any ......kid in the band and all...! Anyways, the kids I speak to want it just as bad as you do Jon , we all do.

9:35 PM  
Blogger Jon Brady said...

I guess I will have to take you fishin' after the season is over.

9:54 PM  
Blogger Jon Brady said...

I wear compassion on my shirt sleeve. Just like all my feelings. You never have to wonder where I stand. Destractions are a part of life. It is not what happens to you but how you deal with it that matters.

10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like all of us, Mr. Brady has good days and bad days. But everyday my husband is one of the most compassionate people I have ever met - especially when it comes to children who want to learn about music. Just recently, a co-worker of mine told me her 12 year old wanted to be in band but they would not be able to afford the cost of an instrument and they didn't know where to turn. I told him of the conversation and within a couple of hours he had a loaner trumpet for the student! He may be tough with his students, he may be disciplined with his students, and he may be percieved as non-compassionate but I can definitely vouch that the most important thing to him is that he teach his students to love music and to respect what discipline can do for them as an individual. I work at the University and a week doesn't go by that one of his former students doesn't come by to see me. The one thing they always say is "Tell Mr. Brady thanks". Every adult should wish that they could have a positive impact on as many children as he does. Its a very wonderful thing!

9:36 AM  
Blogger Jon Brady said...

I have not "temporarily" lost sight of the goal. Remember this blog is about insights and thoughts about particular days and times. It is not meant to be a motivator or a damper. It is just what it is.

4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you read the first entry that Mr. Brady made on this blog - he never said it was about our band but about his insights as a band director in general. So it should be about him - not us. I like the blog.

7:15 PM  

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