Monday, October 09, 2006

In the Flow of Things

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi wrote a book several years ago named Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. The jest of the book is that people will do just about anything to get back to the feeling of being truly successful. Today my band was in the flow. They worked really hard to have a chance to get the feeling of success again. I hope they get what they deserve. We shall see in two weeks. It rained on us a little today, but we made our goal anyway. Some of the kids were in a car wreck today, but they are fine and should be back at rehearsal in no time. I am glad it was nothing more serious.
I highly recommend the fore mentioned book. It is pretty much how I build my bands. Maybe I shouldn't give a secret away, but then again everything you give away will come back to you later. It made me feel good to see the kids admiring their trophies today. They left their mark at Swansea that will last a longtime.


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