Thursday, July 27, 2006

Today a Band Came to Band Camp!

Today we had a band. Things seemed to come together. After a slow start, we got a lot done today. We now have 30 pages of drill set with music. Tomorrow the goal is to finish the opener. It is somewhat strange that we really get going when it warms up to about 90. If the colorguard continues on their present course, they will certainly make a positive impact on the visual end of things. They also seem much happier. The percussion is also coming together. And the winds...well they have no choice. They are stuck with me. The grass field certainly is paying off. I just don't think we could have practiced on asphalt today. The first week of band camp is almost over. I have always said I could tell how good or bad a band would be after only two weeks. We might need to get some more shelves in the band room. You have to guess what they are for!


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