Monday, July 24, 2006

Black Monday?

The first day of full band camp has become known as Black Monday by most band directors. This is because we really don't know which students are really going to show up. Nothing is more disappointing to spend countless hours getting a show together only to have students that have committed to being in the marching band just not show up. Here is a good excuse: "I have a lot going on. I don't think I am going to do it this year. Maybe next year." Yeah, right! So this year your parents and you signed a commitment form to be in the marching band, but you have a lot going on so you will just do it next year. Sorry, that's not the way I work. Fortunately, I have learned to overcome this obstacle by writing show for about 10% less than actually say they will do it. So today was a success! I would much rather have the students that love band and want to be there and perhaps be a little smaller than we could be, than have students that have other priorities. One of the most pleasant things to happen was the work of my section leaders. I think they finally understand that more can be accomplished by encouragement and leading by example rather then yelling and demeaning each other. The section leaders and paid staff were great. I think the longest it took to set a new picture was 5 minutes. We do have 2 flutes spots that are open, but we may have them filled by tomorrow. So all and all it was a great day and probably most importantly everybody seemed to have fun, especially me. It is a pretty good feeling to finally feel at home at my job and to remember why I chose to be a band director again. My last year in my previous position was not very much fun, and I certainly didn't have a lot fun. Swansea's accomplishments last year may have not been evident to a lot of people, but today they certainly were to me!


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