Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Heat is On!

It was hot today! That's about all I can say. If the students can take what I gave to them today, then they're in! I was pretty hard on them today with the heat and high expectations too. We warmed up for about an hour, then did basics block for about 45 minutes, reviewed yesterday's drill for about 30 minutes, and then set new drill for about an hour and 45 minutes. I then lead music rehearsal for about 2 hours and then it was back outside for 2 more hours during the heat of the day. Today was the first time we put everything together. Winds, battery, guard, and the pit. It was pretty neat. We have 18 pages of drill with music on the field. One aspect of my job that still frustrates me is the way a school will fight with me about scheduling band students. Can you imagine a class that students actually want to take? Apparently many schools can not. I guess I will continue to do the best I can with the situations I can not change. Today was promising. The music was better. I even think they may be practicing at home. Can you imagine kids that come to school during their summer break, request to be in classes that are hard, and work on it at home. Seems like maybe the school could learn something from band.
P.S. The picture is of a "hot dog". Get it!


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