Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pretty Good...for a first day

As first days of school go, this one was pretty good. I am splitting the percussion class with Mr. Apple. He is teaching the marching band kids and I am teaching the others. I didn't mind. I just hope I can help them. I then taught the largest single class in the school. I have over 50 in one class. That is OK though. I don't mind and I think once we get things established and have some consistency, it will be a great class. Then I had a visit from the Principal and Assistant Principal of Instruction. I thought for sure it was the end of my band directing career but they were just stopping by to check in. I thought that was nice and hope they do that more often. Then came our first after school band rehearsal of the year. I set the pre-game show in record time. I think it took 23 minutes. Then it was on to the real work. We started to clean the first two movements of the show. It was hot but so it goes. I also got to see one of my past band booster club presidents from B-L. That was nice too. So I guess all and all, it was a good first day. Tomorrow we continue on...a football game on the second day of school. Here we go!


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