Monday, September 21, 2009

A Monday it Was...

The neat thing about right now is that it is the furthest possible amount of time until next Monday. I got to teach music theory today so that was fun and my other classes were good too. Then came rehearsal. I know you might think it is crazy but I look forward to after school rehearsal. I like it. Today just was flat that whole rehearsal. The kids worked hard but not real smart. They just seemed to do the same things over and over. Blame it on the heat and humidity. Blame it on Monday or what ever you like but it was not a very productive rehearsal. We really needed to figure out how to get on and off the field but that was not accomplished. There a chance of rain and storms every day this week. We missed them today but just when you start taking rehearsal time for granted, things have a way of happening. We will just start cleaning tomorrow from the beginning I suppose. I feel like we have wasted a lot of time on the closer as it does not seem like it is being retained from one rehearsal to the next.


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