Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Finding the Edge

We only have 9 more rehearsals until our first competition. That is pretty scary stuff when you consider we have a long, long way to go before we are even close to being clean. We work really hard and I push the band a lot but we really need to get it clean. We are just not marching very well. I am surprised that we have not progressed much in the past 2.5 weeks. Things are, of course, getting better but we are a 5A band and we will compete in the top division at competitions so things need to get better. The weather has been amazing though. I am certainly glad we are not still putting drill on the field. We just don't make it stick. I mean we clean and work on a segment of about 5 to 8 sets and then we run it. It stays the same. The intervals don't get fixed and the same people miss the same placements and step offs. I know they aren't doing it on purpose. I just don't know the solution either except work through it. I am not sure if DF has ever been pushed this hard before but I also I am not letting up. Somebody I respect very much told me this one time:
"I am sure there are other ways to become winners. Unfortunately for you, I only know this way."
We will continue to work and I will continue to expect and insist on excellence.


Anonymous Tiffany C said...

Mr. Brady,
Some of the upperclassman and I have been talking and we think pass offs should be required for everyone. Music seems to be one of the main things holding us back and since a lot of kids have the attitude that this is "extra curricular" they might be motivated if their grade was put on the line for if they knew their music or not.

1:57 AM  
Anonymous Brady said...

Several sections have already started doing pass offs. I don't see what is stopping you. Go for it.

6:23 AM  
Blogger Pat said...

Push them Brady!! I never appreciated someone that didn't push me to the limits! Watching the other night...marching does surprise me too. Especially those that are out front! Some don't realize what a 'on field judge' are. Ahhh! Oh NO!
Keep pushing!!!! then Push some more!!!

12:00 PM  

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