Saturday, November 03, 2007

Making a Stand

Yesterday at school there was a presenter about the situation in Darfar. You can do a search for more information about his cause. He was a great presenter and I learned a lot. My honest thoughts on his cause are that there are things that need to be accomplished right here in the USA but that is just my opinion. What this post is about is make at stand for what you believe in. So many people go through life just going with the flow and don't really know what they stand for or may stand for something and are not able to speak intelligently about it. So my suggestion is to stand for something. It should be important to you and don't worry, you can always change you mind about things too. Just be able to defend you choices.

I have many things that I believe in and will make stands for but there are two of them I most passionate about.

Government support for the Arts in public Schools: I feel it is the governments responsibility to advocate and support the arts in public schools at the local, state, and federal levels. There is much talk about the need for better education in math and science to develop students that are able to lead and create in the future. The operative word here is "create". Creativity and adaptation will be the keys to the future. What better way to encourage both than by supporting and encouraging the Arts?
Environmental Protection: I believe there should be more emphasis placed on protecting the environment and the Earth's natural resources and beauties. I think the U.S. should lead the way in this cause world wide not just at home. There will be no more Grand Canyons, giant redwoods, or wonderful fish of the world if we don't take care of them.


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