Friday, October 05, 2007

A Weekend Off

We have the weekend off. I think we need it. If any of you can relate to the holiday experience of having the entire family in the house for too long. That is kind of what it is like. You know, it all sounds great to have the whole family together for lets say Thanksgiving weekend. 4 days with everybody together. On Wednesday everybody arrives and things are great. Everybody is so glad to see each other. On Thursday, it usually starts in the kitchen, things tend to get a bit tense. Aunt so and so has a secret recipe for gravy and the real secret is that you could grout your bathroom with it but everybody is still pretty nice. It is Thanksgiving after all. Then football. Nothing gets my wife, sister, and mom into a frenzy like too much football watching. Then it is on. Everybody starts getting on each others nerves. Cousins start fighting, brothers and sisters are getting in on the act too. Of course, if the event is at your house, you are just annoyed with all the people changing all of your stuff. (Don't ever touch my television or the settings on it!) Oh yeah, you still have 2 more whole days of fun too. Well band is like a big family. We spend a lot of time together. ALOT OF TIME! So do we all get to each other after a while? Sure! So this weekend will be good. We are out of school today which is kind of a surprise but we do have a football game tonight. We are only taking a pep band so that is fun. I may even play a little tonight. Maybe baritone! I think by Monday we may all miss each other a little. That is good. We only have 3 more weeks. Only 3 rehearsals to BOA, 6 until lower state, and then only 9 until state. Everything we have worked for is about upon us. We have a choice to make at this point. Are the accomplishment we have achieved so far good enough? If they are, we don't need to work much harder. This season will be considered a success if we just consider what we have done already. Or is there something left yet to be given and discovered? Can we step it up to the next level? Certainly this is a level few bands or any organizations achieve...ever! If we can find a little more to give, some amazing things can happen. What do you think?


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