Monday, October 01, 2007

At Our Next Competition...

The weather will be perfect. The sun won't be in our eyes. There is not a chance of rain. It won't be hot or cold. There will be no wind and the grass will be perfect. There won't be any holes and the field surface won't be too soft or too hard. Here is the question. Will we watch finals from the stands or will we watch finals from the field and see the judges right in their faces. Will we all go to the buses together after prelim awards or will I have to send the students back with the parents while I attend a meeting? Will we be one of the best bands in South Carolina or will we take the next step to be one of the best bands in the country? There are other questions too like, will the students take the extra time to perfect their music on their own or will just be another homework assignment to skip. Will the students remember what they are asked to do or will they just be glad the show is almost over? Will the colorguard really perform or will they just go through the motions?

Today was a great rehearsal. Our tasks are difficult at this time. When you score a 91.7 and then a 92.8, it is hard to focus to find the small things but if we can all work together, something amazing may happen. Something that none of us can really even imagine at this point.

"Don't sweat the small stuff!"

"It's all small stuff!"

So what choices will you make?


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