Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Individual responsibility

"Hey, it's not my fault!" Really? Than whose is it? One of the cornerstones to my philosophy of music education is individual responsibility. What does that mean? Well here is an example. Last year after the band finished 6th at Lower State and 9th at state (which by the way, I was still pretty happy with. Just think about what it is like to not make state or even have that chance! But that is another story for later.) I was asked what happened? Whose fault was it? You were suppose to be this great band director and this was the worst result the band has had in 6 years. My response? "It was my fault." Why? Because I am the band director. The outcome of band activities in Lexington School District Four have one thing in common...Me. There were surprises that I found when I got into my new job, but there was no excuse for the lack of success at the state level. There was another question: "How is it your fault?" My answer: "I didn't try hard enough." Another question, "What can you do about it?" My answer: "Everything. I will try harder."
Even in the concert area, my forte, we did not achieve a Superior rating. Why? I didn't do a good enough job. How can this be fixed? I will try harder.
So what is individual responsibility? It is that voice in your head that tells you to take out your instrument and play some lip slurs even though you really don't like them. It is the little voice in your head that tells you to put your instrument in its locker even though it is easier to just put in on the floor. It is pride that you have in yourself for an accomplishment that only you know about and even worst...You may be the only person to ever know about it!
Only with more individual responsibility and self discipline can the Swansea band move to the next level. Self discipline=Individual responsibility and Individual responsibility=Self discipline.
A final thought for the evening. Discipline is not something that somebody does to you or makes you do. It is something you do to yourself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said.....

10:25 AM  

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