Monday, October 30, 2006

Medals Everywhere!

It was pretty cool to see all the kids with their medals on at school today. They looked pretty happy. I hope they realize that the work for the year is not over. We have a lot about music to learn. I hope many of the kids try out for region band not because it is not just a chance to torture their band director for a weekend but because that is how the band will get better. I challenge the band to be the first in their class to go to concert festival in grade 6. We will also continue our improvement of the colorguard through regular rehearsals. Tomorrow we begin to work on our concert band. It shouldn't be too hard though as we put music first all thoughout the marching season. Somebody asked me to be sure to continue the blog even after marching season. You bet it will continue. Just wait until you hear us play while we aren't marching 87 pages of drill!
P.S. I may wear the guard outfit for a very brief time with no warning. Remember the deal was if the band won I would have wore it all day today. No cameras or recording devices will be be allowed!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I hope many of the kids try out for region band because it is a chance to torture their band director for a weekend"

5:12 PM  

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