Tomorrow night is Sportsarama! Sounds impressive doesn't it? It is our first outting of the year. Pre-season high school football at its best. We play the second half. Although we don't officially get to perform, we at least get to go somewhere and play in the stands. A big goal that I have had for the band this year is to sound better in the stands. Last year this just was not a possiblity with the schedule I was given but this year is different. When I was in high school, the dark ages when we put our drill on wooden pallets, bands took great pride in who sounded the best in the stands and who played the coolest tunes too. Lately it has seemed that this has changed due to the time required to put out a competitive field show. My is band. It doesn't matter if you are in the stands, on the field, or inside, you should sound great. Besides that, the kids love to play. I think we should have enough stands tunes to play the entire game without repeating any, unless we just want to. By the end of the season, we should be able to play at least 12 different tunes and sound great.
There will probably not be a blog tomorrow due to the fact that I will go into work at 7:00 a.m and get home at about 12:00 midnight. Nothing like a 17 hour work day on a Thursday! Oh well, tomorrow will be the first look at our sea of purple. I bet alot of people will be surprised with not only what they see but also what they hear!
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