Time to Go..Again!
We are back to competition tomorrow. The great thing is that we have an off night tonight. There is no football game. I guess that is an advantage to having to start football games the second day of school. But any way, we are off to White Knoll tomorrow so it is a quick trip but a huge competition. It has been an interesting week for sure. There was a bomb threat at school Monday and all after school activities were cancelled so we missed a day of rehearsal. That was the first cancelled rehearsal since my time at Dutch Fork. (Let's remember though, I didn't cancel it!). But guess what? We made it up today! I wish we had more time though. There are somethings I know we can fix and do better for tomorrow but guess what? We are out of time...again. The great equalizer. Time. We have made some really good changes but just haven't had time to clean them all. Any way, tomorrow is a big one for sure. Every school in the district will be there and it is close enough for family and friends to attend. I am sure the stands will be full. If you are reading this, you should come by and see us. We perform at 5:45 p.m.
P.S. There is nothing like getting your weekly job performance evaluation in front of 4,000 people and having your score announced over a loud speaker. Remember I really love band but please also remember, it is not a hobby or an activity to me. It is my job and career.