Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Time To Really Work

This is the time to pull it all together. This is the place in which I really like to work a band. They have the abilities to do what they are asked and they have the physical attributes to do it to. We must pull together though. Today the band got a bit down and didn't seem to want to work. I sat them down for a bit and then they came back. Then some work happened. We did certain sets about...10 or 12 times and then added sets. I am sure the band didn't really like this but guess what happened? It started to get better. A lot better and quickly too. Muscle memory is what Mr. Apple preaches and I believe it was happening. It might not have been the preferred method or technique but it worked! I think we will use it some more. Here is what is scary. There are only two more weeks until state finals and then it will all be over for a year any way. For some, this will be their last few weeks in a competitive marching band. They may not realize it yet but they will miss it and remember it forever.
P.S. I am sorry for the numerous grammatical errors in this post. I am kind slow you know.


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