Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Struggling Lately

I feel as though I have been treading water lately. I have been in many meetings about many different things lately and I am just having a difficult time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Things at my "new" job have been more difficult than I expected that is for sure. I have never encountered so many obstacles and as much resistance to things ever. If, as they say, over coming the obstacles makes you stronger, by the time I am done, I should be ready for some cage fighting! I am sure I would just get bashed if I started listing the problems so I won't. I may get bashed anyway. That is the main reason I don't post very often any more.
I know I can build a championship band at Dutch Fork. I also know I can't do it alone. It sure would be easier to just leave things alone. Certainly there is a chance that I won't succeed at Dutch Fork. Certainly there is a chance that what I want and what other want just aren't the same. I am becoming a better band director every day and will be better for it all in the end. I sure am lucky to have my Cindy in hard times.


Blogger Cindy Pollard Hoogenboom said...

I love you so much. Just remember that when things are beyond YOUR control, you can only do what YOU think is best for the program with what you have. I keep saying don't give up. I know thats hard sometimes.... but if you don't succeed at Dutch Fork it certainly isn't because you haven't tried. If only every person had the passion and love for their 'job' as you do. The world would certainly be a less stressed and happier place. And...what you say is are becoming a better band director everyday. That will have to pay off in the end. Hopefully - when that time comes - it will be with this band program. You know you always have me, Ted & Henry......we love you!

4:25 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

Leadership is not easy. Those that fuss usually only want someone to listen. Then do what you think is right. After all you are the leader and they are not. I just learned I have even more responsibility in my volunteer position and will be going to Mexico in Feb of next year. Wow! Things can change in a blink of an eye, huh!
You have my support! Whatever I can do!
Go Silver Foxes!

4:11 PM  

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