Monday, February 02, 2009

Scheduling Band

I loath this time of year. It is the time when the kids start picking their classes for next year. It use to be that you lost band kids due to them quitting or something like that. Now the most common reason to get out of band is scheduling concerns. This is getting worse too. I have certainly mentioned this before in my blog but it warrants more discussion. I am hearing more and more students saying they just don't have room in their schedule. How can this be? They have 32 chances to get 24 credits of which 7 must be BAND!!! Well I looked a few of the students schedules today that said they can't take band. They can take it. They just chose to take other stuff that requires a lot of time. Many of the upper level classes are double blocked too which means they take the class all year for 90 each day. Fun, fun. I know I would have loved that in high school. I have always considered band as an academic class. It is hard. They take tests and get grades but lately I have seen a shift from this mind set.
I really think we are in trouble as a society if we don't start valuing the arts more. I agree that high standards in math and science are necessary but at what costs? Creativity seems to be leaving us at an alarming rate. I can only hope that within my lifetime we see a resurgence of the value of the arts. I am very afraid though I have to admit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen. I hear you man. The question is what do we do? At least you can give tests, my students think it's a joke and quit at the first sign of work.

We need support for these programs!

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a right to your opinion, but if a child chooses to take a class that will be geared towards their lifelong career option then you really can't blame them. I have always supported the band but found a lot of negativity when my child chose her career over band. The band program will move one

4:43 PM  
Blogger Jon Brady said...

No I certainly can't blame them. I question the negativity though. If it was from me, I suggest you make an appointment to see me. I would like to know more. At this point, I don't even know who is in band next year or not.

6:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no need for an appointment as this is over, but yes the lack of concern and compassion was directly from you and honestly it was hurtful. Even other board members chose to say, and I quote that we 'quit' which was not the case. It was one of the hardest decisions for me and my child to make. I was a VERY active band parent for 7yrs. This decision had to do wiht more than just readin', writin' and rithmatic. When a child can graduate HS with their diploma as well as a degree in a trade, that saves the parent thousands of dollars. As always I wish the band much success and am thankful for what my children gained by being a part of the Arts.

6:24 PM  
Blogger Jon Brady said...

OK. I really must respond to this. First, you stated you made a choice to not participate in the band program. Secondly, I do not recall any lack of concern or compassion. I bearly know who you are. I have met you once or twice. You did not speak with me about this choice which took place in June if I recall. Did I beg you to stay? No. Please don't twist my words into some sort of personal item where there was no personal meaning.

6:23 AM  
Blogger Pat said...

Band gives much more than it takes! Mr. B, I have said once and I will say it again, You are the BEST and you have one of the BEST Boards of boosters behind you. The past is just that and I am sorry that that parent and child didn't plan it all out (the 4 years of High school)because they are missing out. I hope the years of band they did have will stick with them. We as boosters and teacher have to much to focus on the future of the band and very little time to work out details before, my favorite part of band, marching season is here. Don't waste your engery on the past but be excited about what the future has put in front of you. We love you at DF!

8:38 AM  
Blogger Cindy Pollard Hoogenboom said...

Okay…most everyone knows how I feel in regards to Anonymous comments. If you’re going to say something negative then identify yourself. As far as the comments on this posting goes, well…Mr./Mrs. Anonymous…you contradict yourself. You say there is no need to discuss anything because the situation is over, but then you bash Mr. Brady’s character when it seems you don’t know him at all. And you take shots at the new board in what seems like a decision you made before band even started last year. My opinion is…you’re bitter. Maybe because you didn’t get your way…that Mr. Brady didn’t change the requirements to fit your needs. Or maybe because you’re just the type of person who likes to ‘egg’ things on when the situation really should be over. I don’t know because I don’t know you… however, what I do know is that we all have to make choices every day and it seems to me that is what you did. Bottom line…it was your choice and your decision. If Mr. Brady didn’t beg your student to stay in band, it doesn’t make him uncaring or uncompassionate. He, too, knows that the students have difficult choices to make…whether it is ‘career’ related or the fact they need certain courses to gain entry into certain schools. Scheduling is something that all arts programs are dealing with in our society. Heightened pressures on students to “be prepared” academically are putting pressures on the arts programs as well. And regardless of what you say, the band will NOT go on if students stop enrolling in the courses as a choice. ‘Bless your heart’ if you think otherwise…

9:18 AM  

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