Sunday, February 08, 2009

Convention Review

I'M BACK! I am back at home and it is sure is nice to be home. I actually came home yesterday. It was fun. The actual convention could have had a bit more to it but it is what it is. The best part was listening to Dr. Tim. He is great. Here is a link to his website: I have seen, met, spoken to, rode in a truck with and all that before but he always makes me feel good about being a band director. Cindy came with me this year and it was great to have her. I have fun at band stuff but with her it is always so much more. The show is coming together. We all met on Thursday and it will be great! And great is an understatement. Just wait! All will soon know Dutch Fork is about to come on the scene in a big way.
Here is what I took from Dr. Tim the most. Think about your favorite teacher. Close your eyes and see that teacher now. Now think back. Do you remember what that teacher taught you or the way they taught it to you? If any of you were in band, I bet that favorite teacher was your band director. (or at least a close second if it was me.) I am proud to be a band director. I make a difference and what I teach makes a bigger difference. I don't just teach facts. I teach life. Band is life and life is band.


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