Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Alright You Better Listen to This...

"The band room will remain clean and orderly!"
Hey, I am not kidding! The band room is starting to look great. The office is great and the room behind it is getting there. A crew has been cleaning carpet all day and will continue until they are done. It is looking good. I am to the point that I know where stuff goes now. My challenge to all is to keep it this way. We have a cleaning day scheduled on Saturday and I think everybody will now take pride in their band room. I want people to walk into our room know that a very special group of people work in this place. It will make a difference. I promise. Please don't be the first person to be careless with your stuff. It won't be pretty! But really, the room is great one, we should keep it clean and orderly for ourselves.
Tomorrow I am at the district office for official business. I have orientation for the school district. I will have a bunch of paper work to fill out but maybe, just maybe I will get paid one day!


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