Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Doing What Needs to be Done

I do interviews for the leadership positions in my band. The applicants have to submit a cover letter, a resume', and 3 references. I know that is a bit much for a leadership position in band...RIGHT? Well here's the deal. I teach more than band and music. I teach people. We are playing better and better every day. At times I am even surprised at our continued progress. Our numbers are up too. Not because my group is easy in which to belong but because it is difficult. But any way...I had a student tell me something so profound I had to take a step back. During this student's interview he told me "It's like my mom always says. It's not about doing what you're told. It's about doing what needs to be done." WOW! I was floored. I have always lived this statement but I had never heard it put in such a simple and powerful statement. How true it is! Remember this statement too. I learn as much from my students as they learn from me.

P.S. Things may be starting to turn for us...finally. Watch out...Deus ex Machina.