Friday, June 19, 2009


I have to say that I am having a great summer. I haven't posted anything as of last because I just haven't thought about it. I hope everybody is having a great time.

Friday, June 05, 2009

How to Slay a Dragon

Armor: You need thick armor to deflect the flames that will surely be thrown your way. Dragons are very set in their ways and often have support from others that are afraid to do something about them or are just too apathetic to do anything about them.

A Sword: You need to have a sharp well built weapon with which to execute your actions. Although the defense that your armor gives you is absolutely necessary, you must be able to mount an offensive charge when needed. These charges should be timed just right as the dragon is much bigger and stronger then you are but you have the advantage with knowledge and agility. Dragons do not like to accept new ideas or changes.

An assistant and a good horse: You can’t slay dragons by yourself. You need help. Your help must be loyal to you and trust that you know what you are doing. If not, they will leave you in your time of need and the dragon will win. They must have the courage to stand with you even when it seems the dragon is winning. You too must be loyal to them and trust them in your times of need. Should you drop your sword, your assistant will hand it back to you. Should you need to retreat, you horse will carry and comfort you for you may have lost a battle but you still have your eye on the prize. Your assistant and horse will provide you with much need company too because victories won alone are short lived and hollow. Your assistant will also mend your sword and armor should they become damaged over the course of battle.

A Maiden: You must have a maiden for which you fight. If don’t have a cause for which to correct things, your fight will be pointless. Make sure your cause is just and needed and then stick to your beliefs.

Slaying dragons is hard work and they come in all sizes and shapes so you must remain vigilante to your causes or new dragons may become problems.

Remember also what creates a dragon. Dragons were once warriors themselves but though thoughts and actions of arrogance, greed, or apathy, they became dragons. Be ever aware of your surroundings and actions or you too may become a dragon.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009


"Music has given me a way of expressing my feelings and my thoughts, and it has also given me a way of understanding more about life. For example, as you play together in a symphony orchestra, you can appreciate that each musician has something fine to offer. Each one is different, though, and you have different "song to sing." When you sing together, you make one voice. That's true of all endeavors, not just musical ones. Finding ways to harmonize our uniqueness with the uniqueness in others can be the most fun - and the most rewarding - of all."
Fred Rogers