Thursday, September 11, 2008

Getting our feet underneath us...

We need to get our feet to match our music at this point. We have had several rain days and we always find stuff to do like work on music so our music is coming together well at this point. Our problem is our feet but not really. Our really problem is rhythm and pulse control. This is the number one problem with every section at this point. We will get it fixed but it is difficult and takes a while. If every student would count and practice with a metronome, we would be just fine but in the mean time, we are having problems with tempo and that leads to poor marching and phasing. Phasing is when the feet are not on the pulse of the music. Your not quite out of step but you are not on the beat either. Hopefully today will be a good weather day. I just looked outside and the rain is holding off and the temperature is great. We need a good day but if it should rain, we will just keep getting better and better at our music. After all that is what should drive any band program, the music. I would rather be ahead in music any day.


Blogger Pat said...

So I am glad you are seeing the walkers vs. the marchers. Some of the kids are great marchers, feet are rolling and the stops are great. Others are just walking around not sure when to turn their feet, and going with the crowd. Not sure of where they are going. Saw that yesterday. Musically, I have to agree I don't hear the tears in music that I did last year and that is great!
I loved it when you said "coming out party" I just never thought of it that way. I laughed and thought so true, so true, for every band that competes that day everywhere.
Thank you for your commitment to our band!

9:06 AM  

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