Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Dealing with Pressure

No matter what job you have or task at hand you are dealing with, you will have pressure on you from outside sources that will interfere with you being able to accomplish what you need to. There are a variety of ways to deal with this pressure. Some people run away from it. This just prolongs the anxiety of dealing with the problem because it will come back. Some people confront it. This too can be problematic in that it can create more pressure. Some people ignore it. This can cause a whole series of other problems such as health related issues.

I think that perhaps to best way to deal with pressure is to know it is coming and to put yourself in a position to not only anticipate its arrival but also to take steps to minimize its affects on you. I use the metaphor of band is life as an example of this. Let's use region band auditions as a case study.
Students are required to register for this event 2 months before it occurs. They are then give all the materials neccessary for them to audition. What they do between that time and the actual audition is pretty much up to them. Some ask me for help and start working immediately. Some put it off until Christmas. Some wait until the week before the audition to really start working. And still others just quit and don't audition. For some students this is the first time they have actually had to deal with pressure from an outside source to meet a personal goal. I think it is a good lesson for them because things don't get any easier as they grow older and have families and careers of the their own.
Band is Life! Think about that one for a moment.


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