Sunday, March 09, 2008

Things going on...

This weekend is close to an end. It seemed to fly by. The weather was terrible windy yesterday and a shingle blew off the top of the house so I will put that on the list of things to get fixed. I hung some shelves this morning and fixed a piece of wood work on the front porch. No fishing today. I suppose I will watch the race this afternoon. I predict more problems with the tires. This "new" car NASCAR is using just pushes too much in the turns and wears the right side tires to no end. At Atlanta, this will be a major problem with speeds close to 202 mph going into the turns and they usually run pretty low there so there is long way to go before you hit the wall. Oh yeah this time change is odd. I really don't see the point in doing it so early in the year. Sorry about the random thoughts, It is just that kind of day.


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